Brand: Cengage Learning
Entrepreneurial Finance
Brand: Brand: Cengage Learning
THREE CAPSTONE CASES PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS TO SYNTHESIZE THE TEXT'S MATERIAL. With this edition's significant coverage, three proven capstone cases offer important opportunities to integrate and apply the numerous concepts students have learned. New case, Eco-Products, Inc. represents a company that produces and sells environmentally sound food service products from renewable resources.
NEW "FROM THE HEADLINES" FEATURE IN EACH CHAPTER HIGHLIGHT INTRIGUING ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURES. Students see chapter content put into practice as each entrepreneurial venture relates to concepts presented within the chapter. Corresponding new "Discussion Questions" conclude each chapter and demonstrate to students what they have learned.
WEALTH OF END-OF-CHAPTER MATERIALS PROVIDES SIGNIFICANT OPPORTUNITIES TO APPLY CONCEPTS. Each chapter concludes with a Chapter Summary, Key Terms, Discussion Questions, Internet Activities, Exercises and Problems as well as Supplemental Exercises and Mini Cases to give you and your students a significant choice of applications.
INSTRUCTOR MATERIALS you need to enhance your teaching experience and reduce preparation time are available on the companion website. The dynamic author-written Instructor's Manual includes short answers to end-of-chapter questions and answers to end-of-chapter problems, while this edition's Test Bank provides proven true/false and multiple-choice questions as well as short test problems. PowerPoint® lecture slides further reinforce concepts and exhibits from the text. Your students further save time as they work with supplementary Excel® spreadsheet models that correspond with specific text chapters.
$ 126.85