Cengage Learning
Financial Management: Theory & Practice (with Thomson ONE – Business School Edition 1-Year Printed Access Card)
Brand: Cengage Learning
RELEVANT EXAMPLES REFLECT TODAY'S GLOBAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT. Updated, timely real-world examples throughout almost every chapter demonstrate the impact of today's financial crisis in all areas of business and life. "Global Economic Crisis" boxes in many chapters highlight specific finance issues related to today's economic environment.
FLEXIBLE COVERAGE MAKES THE TEXT IDEAL FOR ONE-SEMESTER OR TWO-SEMESTER COURSES. Organized to address key concepts and essential topics within the first 17 chapters, the text ensures your students receive the coverage they need whether you teach a one-semester or two-semester course. Later chapters provide more advanced and expanded treatment of topics to build upon earlier material and increase student mastery of concepts.
UNMATCHED AUTHOR EXPERTISE ENSURES CLEAR, CONTEMPORARY APPROACH. This premier authorship team combines the extensive teaching background and more than 30 years of text writing experience of Dr. Gene Brigham with the contemporary scholarship and practical, professional expertise of Dr. Mike Ehrhardt. Together, these authors deliver a consistent, accurate and innovative approach that will keep your students first in finance.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THEORY AND TRENDS HIGHLIGHTS THE ROLE OF FINANCE TODAY. The authors clearly illustrate the application of concepts and theories throughout the book's proven presentation, wealth of actual business examples, thought-provoking problem sets, and integrated Mini Cases. At the end of each chapter comprehensive Mini Cases further demonstrate applications with corresponding PowerPoint slides and spreadsheets as well as solutions on the instructor's password-protected companion site.
TAP INTO THE PROFESSIONAL POWER OF THOMSON ONE - BUSINESS SCHOOL EDITION. Your students can complete financial research and analysis using the same tool that professional brokers and Wall Street analysts trust every day. With Thomson ONE-BSE online database, you and your students have instant access to leading financial data sources, including Thomson Reuters Financial, Worldscope, SEC Disclosure, First Call, Datastream and more. Corresponding Thomson ONE problems in most chapters of the text provide valuable hands-on practice.
$ 256.6