Cengage Learning
Fundamentals of Financial Management (with Thomson ONE – Business School Edition)
Brand: Cengage Learning
AUTHOR-WRITTEN SUPPLEMENT SUPPORT PROVIDES CONSISTENCY THROUGHOUT COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE. You find the same level of accuracy and precision crafting that has made this text a leader throughout all of this edition's supplements. Prepared by the text authors to ensure consistency, this seamless, integrated package includes a comprehensive Instructor's Manual, Student Study Guide, and sizeable Test Bank, as well as numerous digital resources.
APLIATM FOR FINANCE ENGAGES STUDENTS AND SUPPORTS INTERACTIVE LEARNING. This fastest-growing online pedagogical tool for finance saves you time while helping your students perform better in class. This trusted homework solution includes text-correlated real-time interactive tutorials, online experiments, news analyses, and Auto-graded problem sets. It is simple to ensure your students are consistently well prepared for class as this leading online system provides immediate feedback and student accountability.
LEARNING TOOLS ARE FOUND THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTER TO ENSURE STUDENT UNDERSTANDING. Strategically placed Self-test Problems for students appear immediately after each major section of the chapter and enable students to test their comprehension before moving ahead, instead of waiting until the conclusion of the chapter. In addition, integrated Spreadsheet Models, accompanying all but the first chapter, and guide students in developing effective techniques for financial problem solving. Spreadsheet Models serve as useful tutorials that demonstrate how to maximize Excel® as a powerful finance tool.
UNIQUE BALANCE OF THEORY AND PRACTICE KEEPS TODAY'S STUDENTS ENGAGED AND FOCUSED. A hallmark strength of this leading finance text, this edition clearly introduces important financial theories using a practically focused presentation. Students immediately see the impact and importance of financial theories and trends at work through proven learning features, a variety of today's most recent real financial and business world examples, practical problem sets, and integrated mini-cases.
PROFESSIONAL POWER OF THOMSON ONE-BUSINESS SCHOOL EDITION (BSE) LETS STUDENTS WORK WITH ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL TOOLS. Thomson ONE-BSE online database, available with this edition, puts students in the role of an actual business professional -- letting them complete basic financial research and analysis using the same tool that professional brokers and analysts use every day to access leading financial data sources. Students use Thomson ONE-BSE to complete special end-of-chapter problems in the text.
$ 197.78