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Anyoption claims that they are the world’s most prominent binary option brokerage. And they very well might be. They were the first to offer Binary Options and claim to be the most reliable. They have been operating since 2008. Many of the online Binary Options brokerages began their operations well after, many are only a year or two old. With the longest tenure in the industry, anyoption is leading the charge into new trading venues. There are over one hundred thousand registered traders using their platforms from around the world. In their description, they do state that the deposits that traders make are stored in a separate trust account and are used solely by the traders. This is exciting and trustworthy news as many brokers will disperse the initial deposit into accounts in order to cover other areas of cost.
Top Features of anyoption
anyoption has a very user friendly platform. As with most other brokerages their platform is one hundred percent web based. There is no need to download or install software onto the computer you are using, whether it is your desktop PC at home or the computer in the lobby of your vacationing hotel, you have access to your portfolio.
The web based platform also rolls over nicely into a mobile platform, making it easy to trade and profit while on the road. If you phone has access to the internet (which most phones do nowadays), than you have access to your account. Within the platform you have the opportunity to end your trade at the end of the hour, day, week, or even the month; depending on your preferences. If you decided that you like your odds and want to extend the expiry to the end of the week or the month you can use the Roll-forward option to extend it to the next available time.
While many of the newer Binary Options brokers have a decent asset list, anyoption’s list is very extensive and covers all of the major assets, whether they are stocks, commodities or currency trades. The main commodities that are traded are copper, gold, silver and oil. Copper is not one that is often seen on other Binary Options asset list, but it is a very valuable and important trade. The stocks offered by anyoption is constantly growing and houses some of the largest companies in the world such as McDonalds, Barclays, Apple and Google. In addition the currency market has the major currency trades between the Euro, United States Dollar and the Japanese Yen (among many others).
The payouts are a little bit lower than as advertised by some other broker sites, coming in at a sixty five to seventy percent pay out depending on the trade. What they do offer is a money back guarantee if your initial deposit trades are incorrect. Almost a beginner’s luck card in case you start your trading off on the wrong foot. If the option expires and leaves you with nothing, which is always a possibility, anyoption will give you a fifteen percent refund. It does not cover all of the losses, but it is certainly better than losing everything.
anyoption Prices
As mentioned before the payouts offered by anyoption is slightly lower than many of the other, newer brokers. There higher payouts come at a higher risk than those who trade with anyoption.
If the investments off of your initial deposit spiral out of control and you end up losing money, anyoption has a money back guarantee that returns fifteen percent of the money lost. That is a pretty extensive safety net for those whom are looking to make some money without the risk of losing everything (just most of it).
As far as accounts are considered, there does not seem to be any tiers; everyone is on the same level playing field. The minimum deposit required is one hundred dollars and comes with a brief educational background before jumping into the world of trading. If you were looking to deposit over ten thousand dollars and looking for exciting bonuses and extras, you may want to search in other brokers.

The Downsides of Using anyoption
As mentioned previously, the return rate is not as solid as other companies. They do their part in making sure that your covered rather than putting you into a higher risk/higher reward scenario.
While they are the pioneer and a veteran in the field, they are not regulated like many of the other markets are. They have no overhead from the FSA or any other financial institutions. This is one of the few times that they have earned their respect and position by merit and providing customer service. But if you were to have a dispute, you will not be able to go to an outside agency for help.
Users have been mentioning the addition of a sixty second expiry feature. Instead of waiting for the trade to end at the end of the hour, many of the clients would like to see the time dropped down to a sixty second time. Many other brokers are starting to implement this and it has its success. anyoption does not offer this at the moment but do not be surprised if it shows up within the next few months.
There is no live chat option when dealing with their customer service. Almost all successful brokers that operate over the internet have a live chat system to help their traders. Unfortunately anyoption does not have that as one of their customer service options.

anyoption Customer Support
As mentioned above the company does not have a live chat option when trying to connect with customer service. They do have a very friendly customer service staff that will call you back (pending you leave your name and number, as well as the reason you are calling). You may have to wait an hour or so, but they are there all day, every day.

This brokerage has earned their spot among the pinnacle of Binary Options and have trudged the way for many of the other trading agencies to work their way into the market. They have a strong platform and great customer service, although lacking the live chat feature.